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    Comparison of the advantages of zirconia ceramics and alumina ceramics


    The toughness of zirconia ceramics is 4 times that of alumina ceramics. At the same time, the free fall of zirconia from a height of one meter will only cause some gaps in the alumina to break.
    Comparison of the advantages of zirconia ceramics and alumina ceramics:

    Ceramic toughness comparison:
    The toughness of zirconia ceramics is 4 times that of alumina ceramics. At the same time, the free fall of zirconia from a height of one meter will only cause some gaps in the alumina to break.

    density contrast:
    The density of zirconia ceramics is twice that of alumina ceramics. In contrast, zirconia has better compression resistance.

    Friction coefficient comparison:
    The friction coefficient of zirconia ceramics is only 1/2 of that of alumina ceramics, while the friction coefficient of alumina ceramics is very low. In actual use, more consideration is given to elastic wear and hard wear. The specific wear resistance of the material depends on the actual usage.

    Comparison of density:
    The density of the zirconia ceramic structure is higher than that of the alumina ceramic. The density of the alumina ceramic is 3.5, and the density of the zirconia ceramic structure is 6, with a finer texture. After grinding, the surface finish is higher, up to ▽ Above 9, it is mirror-like, extremely smooth, and has a smaller friction coefficient.

    Surface finish comparison:
    Zirconia ceramic structural parts have a higher surface finish, mirror-like, extremely smooth, and less friction with the net, which can further increase the service life of the net, greatly reduce the net consumption, reduce the current of the paper net, and reduce the power consumption . In addition, the toughness of the zirconia ceramic structure is excellent, which overcomes the inherent brittleness of the ceramic itself, has higher wear resistance, greatly extends the service life of the product, and significantly improves the quality of the paper.

    Zirconium oxide ceramic structure is a very important structural ceramic newly developed after alumina ceramics. Because of its good properties (for example, its fracture toughness is higher than that of alumina ceramics), zirconia ceramic structures have attracted more and more attention.

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